Full steps can be found at https://i12bretro.github.io/tutorials…
01. Download Oracle Virtualbox https://www.virtualbox.org/
02. Download DD-WRT x86 Image ftp://ftp.dd-wrt.com/
03. Install Oracle Virtualbox
04. Convert DD-WRT x86 Image to VDI
# change directory to virtualbox installation
cd %programfiles%\Oracle\Virtualbox
# run vboxmanage to convert the raw image to .vdi
vboxmanage.exe convertdd "c:\users\i12bretro\downloads\dd-wrt_public_vga.image" "c:\users\i12bretro\downloads\dd-wrt.vdi"
05. Resize the VDI File
# resize the vdi to 256MB
vboxmanage.exe modifyhd –resize 256 "c:\users\i12bretro\downloads\dd-wrt.vdi"
06. Launch Virtualbox
07. Create a New VM by selecting Machine ≫ New
Name: DD-WRT
Machine Folder: C:\VMs
Type: Linux
Version: Other Linux (32-bit)
Memory Size: 256 MB
Hard disk: Do not add a virtual hard disk
08. Click Create
09. Copy the dd-wrt.vdi file from downloads into C:\VMs\DD-WRT
10. Select the VM and Click Settings
11. Select Storage
12. Click Add Storage Attachment ≫ Add Hard Disk ≫ Choose existing disk
13. Click Add and browse to C:\VMs\DD-WRT\dd-wrt.vdi
14. Click OK
15. Select Network
16. Set Attached to: Bridge Adapter
17. Make sure the DD-WRT VM is selected and click Start ≫ Normal
18. Wait for the text to stop scrolling and press Enter
19. Login with root/admin
20. Set the IP address to something in your current subnet so you can reach it
ifconfig br0
21. Launch your web browser of choice and access the DD-WRT web UI with the IP address in the previous step